

Azul 花磚物語

商品說明. 在花磚物語中,你們將扮演瓷磚畫藝術家,裝潢埃武拉皇宮的牆壁。 源自摩爾人的「阿茲勒赫瓷磚畫」,原意是白色和藍色的瓷磚,深受葡萄牙人喜愛。



在App Store 上的「Azul Board Game」

Artfully embellish the walls of your palace by drafting the most beautiful tiles.In the game Azul, players take turns drafting colored tiles from suppliers ...


In the game Azul, players take turns drafting colored tiles from suppliers to their player board. Later in the round, players score points based on how they've ...

Play Azul online from your browser

Play Azul and 768 other games online. No download necessary - play directly from your web browser. With your friends and thousands of players from the whole ...

Azul (board game)

Azul (Portuguese for blue) is an abstract strategy board game designed by Michael Kiesling and released by Plan B Games in 2017. Based on Portuguese tiles ...

Azul 花磚物語- WOB香港桌遊天地

遊戲結束. 有一個或以上的玩家在牆壁上鋪滿五顆花磚,除了基本的分數計算以外,只要達成特殊條件就可以獲得額外分數。

Azul-Board Game Strategy-Board Mosaic

Azul is a multiple award-winning, tile-placement game. The goal of Azul is to complete your display board, earning points as you place tiles and create patterns ...